Day 4¶
Solution to day 4 of Advent of Code
Data preparation¶
Since both part 1 and two use the same data, we create a function to read and prepare the data in the file:
In [1]:
import pandas as pd
def read_file():
with open(r"datafiles\aoc4input.txt",'r') as f:
file = f.readlines()
return sorted(file)
Part 1¶
Using numpy to handle the sleepy.
In [2]:
import re
import numpy as np
guard = 0
asleep = 0
#max guard number
guards = []
for i in read_file():
if 'begins shift' in i:
match ='#\d+', i)
sleep = np.zeros((max(guards)+1, 60))
for i in read_file():
if 'begins shift' in i:
match ='#\d+', i)
guard = int([1:])
if 'asleep' in i:
asleep = int(i[15:17])
if 'wakes up' in i:
sleep[guard,asleep:int(i[15:17])] +=1
sleepyguard = np.argmax(np.sum(sleep,axis=1))
print(np.argmax(np.sum(sleep,axis=1)) * np.argmax(sleep[sleepyguard]))
Part 2¶
Continuing from above we can easily output the indices of the maximal element.
In [3]:
ind = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(sleep,axis=None), sleep.shape)