Solution to day 3 of Advent of Code
Data preparation¶
Since both part 1 and two use the same data, we create a function to read and prepare the data in the file:
In [1]:
def read_file():
with open('datafiles/aoc3input.txt','r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
id, cut = line.split('@')
id = ast.literal_eval(id[1:])
start, size = cut.split(':')
start_x,start_y = ast.literal_eval(start.strip())
cut_x,cut_y = ast.literal_eval(size.replace('x',',').strip())
yield id, start_x,start_y, cut_x,cut_y
Part 1¶
Using numpy to handle the fabric.
In [2]:
import numpy as np
import ast
fabric = np.zeros((1000,1000))
for id, start_x,start_y, cut_x,cut_y in read_file():
fabric[start_y:start_y+cut_y,start_x:start_x+cut_x] +=1
print(len(np.where(fabric > 1)[0]))
Part 2¶
Using numpy again and keeping a set of cuts that havent collided with any yet.
In [3]:
fabric = np.zeros((1000,1000))
d = set()
for id, start_x,start_y, cut_x,cut_y in read_file():
if not np.any(fabric[start_y:start_y+cut_y,start_x:start_x+cut_x]):
for a in np.unique(fabric[start_y:start_y+cut_y,start_x:start_x+cut_x]):
fabric[start_y:start_y+cut_y,start_x:start_x+cut_x] = id